Fiduciary Computing is a transformative paradigm, to empower individuals to command their digital journey, to uphold dignity, human rights, and resilience online. In a world that needs us to prioritize personal security, privacy, and data protection, Fiduciary Computing also encourages proactive collaboration among individuals, collectives, and platforms to enhance digital autonomy and mitigate vulnerabilities.

Your Digital Journey

Sailing Digital Sea

Picture yourself aboard a grand ship sailing the vast, tumultuous digital ocean. Despite being the rightful owner, you are not the captain, but a passenger. The ship’s course, the ports of call, even the choice of companion vessels are dictated not by you, but by distant corporations. These unseen gatekeepers exact a continuous “toll” from you, not always in gold, but often in the currency of your personal data or by compelling you to relinquish your rights.

Imagine yourself aboard a grand ship sailing the vast, unpredictable digital ocean. Despite being the rightful owner, you are a passenger, not the captain. Your ship’s course, ports of call, and choice of companion vessels are not under your command but dictated by distant corporations. These unseen gatekeepers exact a continuous “toll” from you, not always in gold, but often in the currency of your personal data or by compelling your relinquished rights.

Claiming Command: From Passenger to Captain

Consider the moments when you’ve felt lost in the digital seas, with tech behemoths uninvitedly commanding your digital vessel, defining your course, and exacting their own tolls.

In today’s digital landscape, these centralized authorities typically control our identities, data, and digital engagements, often prioritizing their interests over ours, leading to concerns surrounding privacy, consent, and command over our data and online experiences.

Fiduciary Computing empowers you to claim command, to ascend from being a passenger to becoming the captain of your digital ship. With the autonomy to plot your journey, command your personal data, and navigate digital exchanges without the burden of incessant tolls, you become the rightful commander of your digital voyage and online experience.

A Guiding Light: The Beacon of Fiduciary Computing

Fiduciary Computing is a lighthouse in the digital storm, guiding you to take the helm of your digital journey. Drawing its name from the concept of a fiduciary in Agency Law and the sacred duties in medicine, law, and financial advisory services, it proposes a new standard for how our digital tools and services should operate.

Under Agency Law, a fiduciary is an entity that owes to another the duties of good faith, trust, confidence, and candor, and must put the other’s interests before their own. Similarly, Fiduciary Computing mandates that digital tools and services prioritize you and your family above all else. It’s your compass that directs your digital journey, actively championing your interests in personal security, privacy, data protection, and resilience.

Assembling Your Crew: Devices and Services

Your personal devices and cryptographic services – from your smartphone to your laptop, from your smartwatch to your digital wallet – are no longer merely tools. They transform into your crew, your advocates in the digital realm. Together, they become skilled navigators in the often treacherous marketplace of the digital ocean. They foster cooperation with other digital captains, pooling collective bargaining power to secure even better terms and services. It’s akin to how a flotilla of ships commands more respect than a lone vessel navigating the high seas. In this grand fleet of self-sovereign devices and services, you are in command, steering towards a future where digital autonomy is not just an ideal, but a reality.

Unity on the High Seas: Fostering Digital Cooperation

Fiduciary Computing doesn’t merely champion individual empowerment; it envisions a cooperative digital ecosystem where individuals, as digital captains, unite. The principle guiding this unity is akin to forming a fleet in the open sea. Each ship, regardless of its size, contributes to the collective strength, enhancing autonomy and rights for every individual.

In this vast digital sea, we face formidable adversaries. However, united under the banner of Fiduciary Computing, we collectively safeguard our interests. United under the banner of Fiduciary Computing, we safeguard our interests, fostered by our shared responsibility, not only amplifies our command but also significantly reduces our vulnerability.

In essence, Fiduciary Computing steers us towards a cooperative digital ecosystem, where every digital captain’s strength is amplified through unity. The result is a digital seascape where collective bargaining power is harnessed to navigate and negotiate better terms, services, and experiences for all.

Learning from the Sea: Navigating Digital Seas with Maritime Principles

Fiduciary Computing’s ethos resonates with the principle of mutual aid, a cornerstone of maritime law mandating assistance to those in distress. It connects to humanity’s shared responsibility to each other, emphasizing the imperative of looking out for others within the digital community. Fiduciary Computing steers us towards a digital society where individual user interests are prioritized, but also where the importance of balancing individual sovereignty with community and collective security is acknowledged.

By actively fostering this shared responsibility to protect the vulnerable, Fiduciary Computing guides us towards a compassionate, empathetic digital environment, embodying the very essence of mutual aid in the digital realm.

Further inspired by maritime law, Fiduciary Computing adopts the principles of freedom of navigation and the doctrine of the high seas. In the digital context, this advocates for unrestricted online access, movement, and interaction, free from arbitrary limitations or intermediaries. Just as every ship navigates the high seas freely, each digital user should traverse the digital space without undue constraints, guided by personal devices and services under their command.

The Call to Action

Fiduciary Computing is more than a concept — it’s a movement, a rallying cry. It’s a call to action for professionals in decentralized identity, digital human rights, and law, to challenge us to reshape the digital landscape to prioritize people. A future where technology serves us unconditionally, where your digital journey is shaped by your choices and needs, not dictated by distant corporations. A future where technology remembers its ultimate duty: to serve and protect the people, to ensure that your digital ship always remains in your hands.

Skepticism may arise, questioning the feasibility of such a transformation. But with increasing concerns about data privacy and growing demand for control, the tide is already turning towards a future where technology remembers its ultimate duty — to serve and protect you.

The helm is in your hands. Are you ready to seize control and become the captain of your digital journey? The promise of Fiduciary Computing beckons — a digital future where the helm of your ship remains in your hands. Join the movement and chart your course in this new digital paradigm. The journey awaits — are you ready to set sail with us?